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Article title: KRT Flexiliner method

KRT Flexiliner method

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A flexible, tube impregnated with epoxy resin is inserted via existing inspection shafts
by cable winch into the pipe section to be renovated. Then the tube is expanded using
compressed air and pressed against the pipe wall. The hardening of the resin takes
place under pressure by blowing in steam. A jointless cladding is created which fits
tightly without annulargap to the existing pipe.

Advantages theSystem:


-  no excavations

-  minimum traffic obstruction

-  minimum cross-sectional losses

-  short renewal time (1 day per sewage unit)

-  improvement in pipe static

-  improvement in the roughness value

-  simple installation, mobile, also possible on the inside of buildings and in open terrain

-  adherent connections using friction possible

-  minimum installation requireme

-  guaranteed service life of 50 years

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